Wondering where Ms. Banke went? Not far. Our District Counselor was married last spring and is officially now Mrs. Bigham ! Her new email is: ebigham@ferndalek12.org Congratulations to Erin and Josh from their Ferndale Unified School family.
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of Mrs. Bigham
Positions available at Ferndale Elementary School 2021-2022: Special Circumstances Instructional Aide (SCIA) - Grades TK/K Resource Aide (Math) - Grades 5-8 English Language Development (ELD) - Grades K-8 Please contact Principal Landry at Ferndale Elementary School
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
August 16, 2021 Dear Ferndale Schools’ Families, If you are planning to return to in person instruction for the upcoming 2021-2022, we look forward to seeing you on the first day of school, August 30! For those of you who are interested in at home learning, please read below: Assembly Bill 130 has changed the requirements for distance learning for the 2021-2022 school year and replaced it with independent study requirements. This independent study is intended for “individualized study for a pupil whose health would be put at risk by in person instruction”. As you will see below, independent study looks similar to last year’s distance learning, but with more requirements. Like some other small school districts, Ferndale Unified School District will not be directly providing an independent study option for our students, but will instead be contracting with another district, the Humboldt County Office of Education or an online school to provide an independent study option for our families who request it. Our teachers will be providing in person instruction for the full instructional minutes/full school days as required. Independent study requirements for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year include: A signed Independent Study Agreement, and a parent/pupil/teacher conference prior to executing the written agreement. Before signing a written agreement, and upon the request of the parent or guardian of a pupil, the LEA shall conduct a phone, video conference, or in-person pupil-parent-educator conference or other school meeting. For pupils in TK through grade 3, independent study must include a plan to provide opportunities for daily synchronous instruction for all pupils throughout the school year. For pupils in grades 4 to 8, independent study must include a plan to provide opportunities for both daily live interaction and at least weekly synchronous instruction for all pupils throughout the school year. For pupils in high school there must be some form of synchronous instruction. “Synchronous instruction” means classroom-style instruction or designated small group or one-on-one instruction involving live two-way communication between the teacher and pupil. “Live interaction” means interaction between the pupil and a staff member. If a student fails to meet these attendance or engagement standards, the law requires that they return to in person instruction. Attendance and engagement standards include participation as well as work completion by due dates. If you plan to enroll your student(s) in this Independent Study option for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year, please notify the district office by Friday, August 20, 2021. Please call 707-786-5900 during school hours (leave a voicemail if there is not a live answer) or email Beth Anderson (banderson@ferndalek12.org). We will then update you with the appropriate information for your child's independent study requirements and options. Thank you and take care! 16 de agosto de 2021 Estimadas familias de las escuelas de Ferndale: Si planea regresar a la instrucción en persona para el próximo 2021-2022, ¡esperamos verlo el primer día de clases, el 30 de agosto! Para aquellos de ustedes que estén interesados ​​en aprender en casa, por favor lea a continuación: El Proyecto de Ley de la Asamblea 130 ha cambiado los requisitos para la educación a distancia para el año escolar 2021-2022 y lo reemplazó con requisitos de estudio independiente. Este estudio independiente está destinado a "un estudio individualizado para un alumno que pondría su salud en riesgo con la instrucción en persona". Como verá a continuación, el estudio independiente se parece al aprendizaje a distancia del año pasado, pero con más requisitos. Al igual que otros distritos escolares pequeños, el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Ferndale no dará directamente una opción de estudio independiente para nuestros estudiantes, sino que contratará a otro distrito, la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Humboldt o una escuela en línea(internet) para brindar una opción de estudio independiente para nuestras familias que lo soliciten. Nuestros maestros brindarán instrucción en persona durante los minutos de instrucción completos / días escolares completos según sea necesario. Los requisitos de estudio independiente para el próximo año escolar 2021-2022 incluyen: Un Acuerdo de Estudio Independiente firmado y una conferencia entre padres, alumnos y maestros antes de ejecutar el acuerdo por escrito. Antes de firmar un acuerdo por escrito, la LEA llevará a cabo una conferencia telefónica, por videoconferencia o una conferencia en persona entre el alumno, el padre y el educador u otra reunión escolar. Para los alumnos de TK hasta el grado 3, el estudio independiente debe incluir un plan para brindar oportunidades de instrucción sincrónica diaria para todos los alumnos durante el año escolar. Para los alumnos de 4 a 8 grado, el estudio independiente debe incluir un plan que brinde oportunidades para la interacción diaria en vivo y al menos una instrucción sincrónica semanal para todos los alumnos durante el año escolar. Para los alumnos de la escuela secundaria debe haber alguna forma de instrucción sincrónica. “Instrucción sincrónica” significa instrucción estilo salón de clases o instrucción designada en grupos pequeños o uno a uno que involucra una comunicación bidireccional en vivo entre el maestro y el alumno. “Interacción en vivo” significa interacción entre el alumno y un miembro del personal. Si un estudiante no cumple con estos estándares de asistencia o participación, la ley requiere que regrese a la instrucción en persona. Los estándares de asistencia y compromiso incluyen la participación y la finalización del trabajo en las fechas de vencimiento. Si planea inscribir a su (s) estudiante (s) en esta opción de estudio independiente para el próximo año escolar 2021-2022, notifique a su escuela antes del viernes 20 de agosto de 2021. Llame a la oficina de la escuela durante el horario escolar 707-786-5900 (deje un mensaje de voz si no hay una respuesta en vivo) o envíe un correo electrónico a Beth Anderson (banderson@ferndalek12.org). Luego, lo actualizaremos con la información apropiada para los requisitos y opciones de estudio independiente de su hijo. ¡Gracias y tenga cuidado!
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
The 2020-2021 School year was brought to you by the high school administration, teachers and support staff. We;re so happy we could stay open the entire year- we did it, together. (Not pictured Jeannette Leonardo, Secretary and Rick Machado, School Maintenance.
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
2020-2021 FHS Staff
Image of 2020-2021 FHS Staff with their masks
Good evening Ferndale Schools’ Family, In light of the changes at the state level tomorrow, we would like to clarify that the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ferndale Unified Teachers’ Association and our district’s COVID Reopening Plan require masks to be worn at school for the entire 2020-2021 school year. We have done so well and are so proud of our great accomplishments during in person classes this year. We only have a couple days left. Please encourage your student(s) to continue to wear their masks correctly and follow the protocols in the district plan that allowed us to re-open our campuses when many other districts did not. Thank you and have a great close to the school year! Buenas tardes Familia de Ferndale Schools, Con los cambios del nivel estatal hoy, nos gustaría aclarar que el Memorando de Entendimiento con la Asociación de Maestros Unificados de Ferndale y el Plan de Reapertura COVID de nuestro distrito requieren que se usen máscaras en la escuela durante todo el año escolar 2020-2021. Hemos hecho muy bien este año con las máscaras y estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros logros durante las clases presenciales. Solo nos quedan un par de días. Por favor anime a su (s) estudiante (s) a que continúen usando sus máscaras correctamente y sigan los protocolos en el plan del distrito que nos permitieron reabrir nuestras escuelas cuando muchos otros distritos no lo hicieron. ¡Gracias y que tenga un gran fin de año escolar!
about 3 years ago, Beth Anderson
U.S. Forest Service Six Rivers brought Smokey Bear to visit Ferndale Elementary School primary classes today. Smokey talked to the kids about campfire safety and keeping our forests safe. They also enjoyed seeing USFS engine 351.
over 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of students with Smokey Bear
Image of class with Smokey Bear
Welcome to our new board members!
over 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Ferndale High School and Ferndale Elementary School Logos
Humboldt State University's "I've Been Admitted to College" event is coming up November 16th-20th! It will take place each day from 11:00am-11:45am. Eighth graders, make sure to register for the event by going to this link: https://connect.humboldt.edu/register/IBAC Find out more information about the event here: https://admissions.humboldt.edu/ibac
almost 4 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Check out the Ferndale High School Student of the Month feature in the local newspaper!
almost 4 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Colson Renner Feature in newspaper
Parents, please mark your calendars for our Board meeting next month on November 12th, 2020! Be on the lookout for a zoom link for public participation in that meeting.
almost 4 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Board Meeting clipart