The Ferndale Unified School District Board of Trustees Invites you to their working board meeting this Saturday, March 4th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Ferndale High School Library.
almost 2 years ago, Ferndale High School
That you to Jerry Hansen (School Board Member) and his wife Gloria for providing lunch for the staff at both the Elementary and High School at the end of our school year. This is something the Hansen's have done for many years, and we are very appreciative.
over 2 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of food
Ms. Rodriguez's class listen to a presentation on sheep at Ferndale FFA's Ag Day.
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of 3rd Grade at Ag Day
And.....TK and Kindergarten enjoying all the stations at Ferndale FFA's Ag Day.
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of Ag Day 2022
Image of Ag Day 2022
Image of Ag Day 2022
Image of Ag Day 2022
Mrs. Griffith's 1st Grade enjoying Ag Day at Ferndale High School. Thank you Ferndale FFA.
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of 1st Grade at Ag Day
Image of 1st Grade at Ag Day
Image of 1st Grade at Ag Day
Kindergarten through 6th grade students visited the Ferndale High School Ag department this week. Students were able to see and learn about beef cattle, swine, goats, poultry, horses and more. The students also visited the farm to table garden and were each given string backpack to keep goodies the received while at Ag Day.
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of kids at Ag Day
Image of kids at Ag Day
District 1 Dairy Princess Malela Fulton visited kindergarten and first grade. She read "Mr Brown Can Moo Can You" and taught us about the different breeds of dairy cows.
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of Dairy Princess Visit
Image of Dairy Princess Visit
A few images of the 3rd Grade Play.
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of the 3rd Grade Play
Image of the 3rd Grade Play
Image of the 3rd Grade Play
Image of the 3rd Grade Play
Here is the 2022 Stakeholder Input Survey link for parents, students and community members. Thank you for your input!
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Remember to spring ahead for Daylight saving time this Sunday, March 13th.
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of clock being set
Hello Ferndale Schools Family, As many of you are aware, Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health announced that they will be lifting the indoor masking mandate for schools effective at the end of the day on March 11th. On March 11 at 11:59 pm the statewide school indoor mask mandate will expire for students, regardless of vaccination status. Ferndale High and Ferndale Elementary will continue to follow all applicable federal, state and local mandates related to the pandemic. This means beginning Monday, March 14th, Ferndale High School and Ferndale Elementary School will no longer require students or staff to wear masks. Please take the time to discuss this change with your student(s). As always, we ask students and staff to be respectful and understanding of the preferences of others - whether it be to wear a mask or to not wear a mask. Our schools will continue to have masks available to any students, staff or visitors that want to continue to use them. Thank you, Beth Anderson, Superintendent Hola familia de las escuelas de Ferndale, Como muchos de ustedes saben, el gobernador Newsom y el Departamento de Salud Pública de California anunciaron que levantarán el mandato de uso de cubre bocas en interiores para las escuelas a partir del 11 de marzo. El 11 de marzo a las 11:59 p. m., el mandato de uso de cubre bocas para interiores en las escuelas de todo el estado vencerá para los estudiantes, independientemente del estado de vacunación. Ferndale High y Ferndale Elementary continuarán siguiendo todos los mandatos federales, estatales y locales aplicables relacionados con la pandemia. Esto significa que a partir del lunes 14 de marzo, Ferndale High School y Ferndale Elementary School ya no requerirán que los estudiantes o el personal usen cubre bocas. Tómese el tiempo para discutir este cambio con sus estudiante(s). Como siempre, les pedimos a los estudiantes y al personal que sean respetuosos y comprensivos con las preferencias de los demás, ya sea usar una máscara o no usarla. Nuestras escuelas seguirán teniendo cubre bocas disponibles para cualquier estudiante, personal o visitante que quiera seguir usándolas. Gracias, Beth Anderson, Superintendente
almost 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Please note the regular Ferndale Unified Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday has been moved from 7:00 pm to 5:45 pm. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Remember....There's no school Monday, Jan. 17th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. See you Tuesday.
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
The regular board meeting for January has been postponed from January 12 to January 26 to ensure a quorum of board members can be present. Thank you for your understanding!
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Thank you Mrs. Zanone for recording the 2021 Holiday Program for parents to see:
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Mrs. Currier's 2nd Grade and Mrs. Busher's 4th/5th Grade making eatable Christmas Trees together as part of their "buddie" program.
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of kids making eatable Christmas Trees
Mrs. Bigham was surprised this week to find her door decorated (by Mrs. Velazquez & Mrs. Hindley) with a Wishing Tree. For those of you that don't know, our very own Mrs. Bigham was the one (along with some help from students) that started the Ferndale Wishing Tree at Town Hall.
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of Mrs. Bigham
Mr. Duggan's 4th Grade Class at The Old Steeple. The class made ornaments and decorated The Old Steeple Christmas tree last week. Ferndale Elementary school students decorating the trees is a long standing tradition of the Christmas season.
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Mr. Duggan's 4th grade class
Please stop by the Wishing Tree this holiday season and leave a wish. Tree is at Town Hall and put up by Ferndale high school students ❤️(the tree will be up through New Years)
about 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District
Image of Wishing Tree
Image of a wish on Wishing Tree
Image of Wishing Tree
Image of box for wishes
Good morning Ferndale Schools Family, As many of you know, the state and federal governments continue to place our schools and school personnel in an uncomfortable position of serving as regulatory enforcement agencies. Please know that it is not and has never been our intention to interfere with the personal values and beliefs of our families. Yet, we are held accountable to uphold the laws, policies, regulations and public orders that we are given as well as uphold school procedures and rules. We understand that many families are not in support of a state requirement that will add the Covid-19 vaccine to the list of those required for school enrollment. We also understand that many families are in support of the vaccine and a vaccine requirement. This issue has become quite divisive and we do not want this division to cause us to disrespect one another or the beliefs of others. Ferndale Unified School District is proud of how we always listen to one another and care for one another. We have had very respectful conversations on many divisive topics and issues. If you are going to participate in a protest, walk-out or boycott, please don’t do so by disrupting learning at our schools. We have fought hard over the past year and a half to get students back to a regular routine of learning. Please also consider contacting your elected officials or protesting in a way that does not disrupt student learning. If your student is missing school for a protest, boycott or walk-out please be sure to have a parent/guardian notify the attendance office for absence verification as is our regular procedure. Verified absences do allow for students to make up their school work, but again we encourage you to find alternate, meaningful ways to be heard. Most importantly we need to listen to one another, respect one another and be kind. Take care, Beth Anderson Superintendent
over 3 years ago, Ferndale Unified School District